Master Wirtschaft International Vollzeit in Deutschland 🎓 - 2 Studiengänge
2 Studiengänge
- Abschluss: M.Sc.
- Studienform: Full-time
- Dauer: 3 Semester
- Studienort: Heilbronn

- Abschluss: MBA
- Studienform: Full-/Part-time
- Dauer: 2 Semester
- Studienort: Saarbrücken

Kurzinformationen zu den Studiengängen
The Master programme in International Business & Intercultural Management provides students with know-how and soft skills about the global business environment. In doing so, the Master focuses on international management of organisations and companies. Moreover, the programme puts an emphasis on aspects of sustainability regarding leadership and economics.
Intended for students holding a Bachelor’s degree in a business-related subject, the Master prepares students for a career in international companies. Graduates are able to respond to challenges and responsibilities in a diverse business environment.
The curriculum is based on an introductory phase with modules such as Research Methods, Business Environment and International Studies. Furthermore, the Master deepens knowledge in Business Managing with a regional focus on Asia, Pacific, Arab or Europe.
The Master of Business Administration European Management – Managing with(in) Europe covers the topic European integration and its political, legal, economic and cultural elements. Furthermore, the Master provides students with knowledge to manage companies within Europe.
The degree course is designed for students holding a Bachelor’s degree and with at least one year of relevant work experience. After graduation, students are qualified to work in management and leadership positions on a European and global level.
The study programme consists of subjects such as International Management, European Law, Economics and Politics, International Accounting, Marketing and Management, Operations Management, Consumer Behaviour as well as Retailing and Human Capital Management.